sábado, 4 de julio de 2009

About my blogging experience

At the beginnig, it was hard to me because I didn't know how to use this kind of websites. I mean, I didn't know how to open a count, how to write a new entry, how to put an image to my post and haw to personalize my own blog. So, at the beginning I was a little angry because I thought "If if difficult to me to speak and to write in english, why do I have to loose my time trying to lear how to use this website?". Then, when I was more familiarize with the blog, I didn't care to use it.
Sometimes, the tasks were difficult to answer because of the topics. If the idea is to find a pretext to write about something in english, the tasks should ask for familiar things as "holidays", "family", "hobbies", "sports", "favourite TV programes" or "books that you enjoy". It's very difficult for any student to write about "our favourite psychologist" (if we have one, no?).I don´t have to give examples, you just have to see the tasks already done.
it's a good way to evaluate our writting and grammar, and also, to know between us our opinions (between the student of the third level of psychology).
I don't know if this blog help me to improve my english...if there's not someone next to you correcting all the mistakes at the same time that you are writing, It very difficult to know wich are your common mistakes.
I would like to do another kind of writing activities as questionnaries, filling missing words, or practicing how to write and talk in future, past, subjunctive and more.
Maybe, in the future, we could use the blog again, but rather than do the task at the university, we could do it at home, unless that someone want to do it there (because he/she doesn't have a computer at home for example)

domingo, 28 de junio de 2009

My ideal Job

Does and ideal job exist? I hope so, because I'm looking for it. I can't say "my favourite job would be : (name of job)", but I can say what I would like that it has. For example, I would like to work in a place with othe people, not alone. That´s mean to talk with other coleagues, take a coffe between breakes, socializing and share information and jokes.
I also would like to have a job with a manual work, or something to do with my body or hands: not just reading and writing, also talk, move, draw...I like very much homemade thing, that why I need to find a job tha canalize my impulse of creation. I know that Psychology is not exatly the best career to canalize manual and artistical impulses (it should be in art in that case), but a hope to not just to be a psychologist. I would like to learn more about cooking, painting and improve my technique in piano.
I know that it will be very difficult to find a job (or jobs and activities) that permets me to develope all that I want to develope, but at least I have the motivation to reach that goal: to be and integral person.

sábado, 20 de junio de 2009

Do schools kill creativity?

Las friday we saw a short movie about how schools or in general educational system doesn't promove creativity in children in despite of that they have a huge creative potential. The expositor is Ken Robinson, who is talking in a kind of congress for teachers.
As he said, educational system promove an specific kind of intelligence: that one related with cience, mathematics, logic and "usefull" knowledge to working in the future in owr "industry age". The result? Unhappy people and a dark future.
But there's an energy, a potential that everibody has, specially children: Creativity! that let us imagine new ways to see the world and promove a happy development. If we explore our own creativity, and work it, we would be happier and would develop our human potential.
Nowadays, at school and in houses, family and teachers think that kid's mistakes are error. They think that their rol is "we have to show him how it must be done". But they ignore that without mistakes is impossible to learn, and that mistakes are part of creativity.
I agree with Ken Robinson: The only solution for the dark and unsure future is accept that imagination and creativity are the keys to reach happines and a healthy solution.



domingo, 14 de junio de 2009

My favourite subject

This year my favourite subject is the CFG that I take called "The cinema as art". Until now we have had 4 modules: The first one was about "experimental films" that was very boring...because the teacher just talked from his chear with a microphone very slowly...but almost he show us some experimental films as "Un chien andalou"(Boñuel). The second module was "Films and Literature". It was fine, but while the teacher (a new one, younger than the first one) was talking, he mention many things that he suppoused that we know (as french or german names, artist, etc). And the worst thing was that the data-show had something wrong, so we couldn't see anything. Fortunately, the third module was just amazing! "Films and theatre". The tirth teacher, a proffesor of theatre theory in the University of Chile, was very interesting, dinamic, and also he brought his son that studied "cinema" to compare both diciplines. We saw a movie called "Richard, the third" of Al Pacino. The last module that we have had is "Films, music and soundtracks". The teacher was funny, dinamic also and very motivated.
Well, I know that it doesn't have any relation with psychology, but thats why I like it, because it's something different that I learn every week.

viernes, 5 de junio de 2009

My future

What will I do or be in five years more? What a difficult question! Because of i´m steel very young and I´m in my first year of Psychology...
Professionaly, I would like to pass all my subjects without repeat anyone, I would like to have more clear my line of work and projectation, and to feel that I took the right career (it doesn´t mean to think "oh! this is my dreamed career". It´s mean to feel that I enjoy my work and that I can live doing this every day...To fell confortable).
Personally, I would like to have a group of good friend, those with wich you can count when you are in trouble or when you need to talk. I think that that´s a very important think because in despite of all the problems you may have (economic problems, troubles in you family or at work), if you have good friends is easier to cope with every problem. It´s a kind of second family. And I would like to meet someone to share my life and feelings (yeah, a boyfriend), to share your ordinary life, hobbies and inclinations.
I hope to be living out of home in a little flat here in Santiago or, why not, out of this country.

viernes, 29 de mayo de 2009

I don't know if hi's the best in my field, but almost is a very important character in the Psychology's world. Of course, I'm talking about Sigmund Freud, a German doctor that was interested about how mental conditions (psychological states) affect physicaly to the persons. Taking his and others knowledge (from literature, from medical studies, from philosofy...) he started to build the "psychoanalysis theorie". This theorie is based onthe idea that inside every human there are pulses of "creation and love"and pulses of "destruction and death". These pulses are fighting all the time and create tensions that are expresed in some hide expressions like dreams, verbal mistakes and violente reactions.
His idea was very revolutionary in his times because everybody thought that we had a very strong control of ours mental processes and their contained. But nobody suspected that there were hide contents and feelings such as traumas.
He also apport with a new way of healing the persosns: "The healing throw speaking". He realised that if you talk about your problem or if you try to verbalized your traumas or hide thougths, in some way your physical problems (as hysteria) heal.
Now a days is a very popular character, not just in psychology, also in literature, cinema, in medicine and other areas.
I think that he was very openminded and creative. An hyphotesis to explain his geniousity is that he used drugs (it was common between doctors to have drugs and use them) and that they help him to create all his theories.
Well, without Freud we wouldn't be (as occidental culture) the society and the culture that are today. And I wouldn't been studing psychology! hahaha

viernes, 15 de mayo de 2009

My Career

I'm not sure of why I choose this career: Psychology. Maybe because as many people says is a way to answer yourself your doubts about human things like preocupations, feelings, emotions and personality.
There are many ways to contribute to society as a psychologist, for example, working with individual persons , with groups and with entire comunities, by helpping to resolve problems. An individual problem could be deppresion or anxiety and a colective problem could be tensions between workers or family's fightings.
My favourite subject is...until now "Psychology" because as I am in first year, is the only one subject directly related with my interests (the others are complementary as antropology, methodology, Chile's Social History...).
I'm interested in Clinical Psychology, but who says that maybe I change my mind. I would like to study for a few months at Spain or anywhere outside of chile, to learn new things that are not include in the program of this university.
In the future I would like to help other people as my psychologist helps me some years ago. Maybe that experience motivated my interest in psychology, and gave me the idea to study this career.

viernes, 24 de abril de 2009

A photograph that I like

A photo that I like is one that apeared in the Rolling Stone just after Jhon Lenon's death. He's naked hugging Yoko Ono in a white bed (I suppose that is a bed, maybe is just the floor) and Yoko Ono is wearing black clothes.
The photo was taken by Annie Leibovitz, an important photographer that worked with famous people, but the important think was her particular point of view, a little artistical and very spontanious. In a documentary, many celebrities said that when Annie was arround with her camera, she wasn't impertinent and make people feel confortable. She was able to open people's inside and share them to the world. This quality was an important key to understand her photos.
The curious thing about this particular photo is that it was took a few hours before Jhon Lenons' murder. It was in his appartmen or in a hotel (I'm not sure).
I like this photo because is so...simple. I appreciate the photo for the content, I just look two people that realy care each other and in a very natural way they look for the warm of the othe, I don't like it because of Jhon Lenon (in fact, I don't listen to the Beatles).

viernes, 17 de abril de 2009

My new psychology favourite website

I heard many times about http://www.apa.org/ but I didn't visit that web, until now. Is a very complete website for any psycology student or worker, because it contains lots of updated researches, information by cathegories, news, issues, investigations, links and many other things. I think that in the future I will use this page to university works and to satisfy my own hunger of knowledge.
The first time that I try to found something interesting in this page, I found an article about "Avoiding Heterosexual Bias in Language". It explain some differenses beetwen "lesbian" or "gay" and "homosexual". Many people use those words like synonymous, but they mean or unless represent different thigs. Here is the link if you want to learn more: http://www.apastyle.org/sexuality.html

viernes, 27 de marzo de 2009

Me and butters

Hi, I'm Camila Canovas. I live in Chile whit my mother and my dad. I have a brother, but he lives near his university (my home is a bit far from his university).
I use my free time cooking sweet things like pies, cookies, fruit desserts and other thing, I play my piano wich is white (I playing classical music) and I see my favourite TV programs.
I would like to learn english because I think that if you know english, many doors will be open for me. In any country people speack english, and many scientific papers and investigations are written only in english. I will permet me to travel to eny place and feel confidence of my self to be able to make me understand.