Las friday we saw a short movie about how schools or in general educational system doesn't promove creativity in children in despite of that they have a huge creative potential. The expositor is Ken Robinson, who is talking in a kind of congress for teachers.
As he said, educational system promove an specific kind of intelligence: that one related with cience, mathematics, logic and "usefull" knowledge to working in the future in owr "industry age". The result? Unhappy people and a dark future.
But there's an energy, a potential that everibody has, specially children: Creativity! that let us imagine new ways to see the world and promove a happy development. If we explore our own creativity, and work it, we would be happier and would develop our human potential.
Nowadays, at school and in houses, family and teachers think that kid's mistakes are error. They think that their rol is "we have to show him how it must be done". But they ignore that without mistakes is impossible to learn, and that mistakes are part of creativity.
I agree with Ken Robinson: The only solution for the dark and unsure future is accept that imagination and creativity are the keys to reach happines and a healthy solution.
Hi Cami, Good content. Nevertheless, you use some words wrongly, for example, "promove" instead of promote and "expositor" instead of lecturer. Fields of knowledge are written down with a capital letter, always. I suggest you check some words up in an English / English dictionary for accuracy.
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- All aspects of the task are very well handled. 3 points.
-Good use of lexical resources. Coherence generally well handled. 2 points.
Grammar is adequate despite minor errors.
2 points.
Score: 7 points Grade: 5.5