Does and ideal job exist? I hope so, because I'm looking for it. I can't say "my favourite job would be : (name of job)", but I can say what I would like that it has. For example, I would like to work in a place with othe people, not alone. That´s mean to talk with other coleagues, take a coffe between breakes, socializing and share information and jokes.
I also would like to have a job with a manual work, or something to do with my body or hands: not just reading and writing, also talk, move, draw...I like very much homemade thing, that why I need to find a job tha canalize my impulse of creation. I know that Psychology is not exatly the best career to canalize manual and artistical impulses (it should be in art in that case), but a hope to not just to be a psychologist. I would like to learn more about cooking, painting and improve my technique in piano.
I know that it will be very difficult to find a job (or jobs and activities) that permets me to develope all that I want to develope, but at least I have the motivation to reach that goal: to be and integral person.